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- [COSM006EP] Paraphone - Plastic Voltage EP !!! OUT NOW on cosm records

Forum Psy Trance Goa -

Forum Psy trance Goa en Français => Artistes et Musique => : peer 31 December 2010 à 03:35:25

: [COSM006EP] Paraphone - Plastic Voltage EP !!! OUT NOW on cosm records
: peer 31 December 2010 à 03:35:25


COSM006EP - Paraphone - Plastic Voltage EP
!!! OUT   NOW !!!

Paraphone - Plastic Voltage EP (cosm006ep) features four psytrance smashers from one of our label heads, core artists and one half of Electric Sheep.

Starting out with the uncompromisingly crisp groove of [I]Mindfeelings[/I] the EP is opened with a colorstorm of a fullon tune destined to get massive open-air-play. Followed by [I]Cross Gliders[/I] the Plastic Voltage EP moves deeper into epic psy-dance realms with it's timelessly acidic breakdown caught up in a firework of sound. Paraphone's aptly named [I]Chemical Sunset[/I] is another fullon smasher perfect for the sunsoaked late afternoon in that special mood. Closing the EP is the extraordinary snarling groove of Paraphone's [I]Psychedelic Embassy[/I] who's subtle graindance funk let's you beg Wikileaks for more cables from this interdimensional ambassador.

[URL=http://""] click here to listen[/URL]

We have decided to offer our digital download eps exclusively on our own website for the first weeks - so you can get the music directly from us. Cutting out the diverse "itunes" and "beatports" of the web, we are able to offer you high-resolution full-quality audiofiles for a better price - there is even a bigger share for artists and us. So if you like this win-win-win (artist, you and us) situation and don't feel too bad for keeping poor Mr. Steve Jobs* out - please go to:


we are happy to provide you with virtually any format you can think of (MP3, WAV, FLAC, etc) and what is even better - you can choose your own price for the download.  Using paypals industry-standard technology we are able to accept all major payment systems (VISA, BankDebit, etc...) - fast, easy and secure !

Of course you can also get all of our releases in every good download store like itunes, beatspace, beatport, juno, etc in the course of the next weeks - please check [URL=http://""][/URL] for cosm records CDs (or [URL=http://""][/URL] for distribution).

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[URL=http://""]cosm records website[/URL]

[URL=http://""]on facebook[/URL]
[URL=http://""]on myspace[/URL]
[URL=http://""]on soundcloud[/URL]
[URL=http://""]on discogs[/URL]

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Watch out for the upcoming solo artist ep:

cosm007ep - 6th Floor E.P.

& stay tuned for 2011 as this is going to be a massive year for

cosm records fans !!!

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Please feel encouraged to give us some feedback -
try the soundcloud player that lets you comment directly on our music: [URL=http://""][/URL]