Microcosmos (http://microcosmosrecords.com/) presents
(http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/9200/vimeoz.jpg) (http://vimeo.com/28108526)
Microcosmos Records launches new podcast series. You can now listen and download sets and live recordings as well as watch videos from label artists absolutely for free.
On the eve of Aedem’s new “Ice” album release, we would like to invite you to watch live recording of Aedem’s perfomance at Microcosmos party (February 2011) and feel that magic atmosphere that we create on our events.
1) Unbeliever (From new album "Ice")
2) Rise & Shine
3) Aeration
4) Almost Human (From new album "Ice")
5) Rain In my Head
Download Video (http://alexanderdaf.com/podcast/Aedem_-_Live_at_Microcosmos_Party_(Microcosmos_Podcast_№1).wmv) (310 Mg / 31 min)
More Info (http://microcosmosrecords.com)
Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/microcosmosrecords)